(2021米其林必比登推介台北美食)「一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」--- 台灣古早味小吃,必嚐招牌焢肉飯、刈包、肉粽與魚丸油條湯!

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


這家2020、2021連兩年獲得到米其林必比登推介美食桂冠肯定,座落在清水巖祖師廟旁的小店「一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」,以傳承一甲子的台灣古早好味道,吸引了無數萬華在地人與國內外饕客前來排隊朝聖! 疫情趨緩之後,我選在11月6日周六清晨首訪這家位於台北市萬華區康定路79號的人氣老店,受到疫情影響百店蕭條,重災區的萬華店家生意更是元氣大傷,過往新聞報導中大排長龍已不復見,但排隊的死忠顧客還是有。 

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」老店菜單提供焢肉飯、刈包、魯肉飯、肉粽、碗粿、豬血豬腸湯和魚丸油條湯,道道是誘人的美食,點餐的窗口也貼出了11月15日之後價格調漲的告示說明。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

當天一共買了「焢肉飯」(NT$80)、「刈包」(NT$ 45)、「肉粽」(NT$45)、「麻豆碗粿」(NT$35)和「魚丸油條湯」(NT$30)合計 NT$ 235,就能吃到這麼多經過歲月淘洗,流傳一甲子的美食,真是滿心的喜悅。首先品嚐的是「魚丸油條湯」(NT$30)很有創意的組合,半脆半軟的油條搭配7顆圓滾滾的新鮮魚丸,CP值超高的,而且口感很好!

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

其次品嚐的是「麻豆碗粿」(NT$ 35),來自台南麻豆的傳統碗粿分量十足吃起來口感札實,跟北部的碗粿口感大不同,碗粿中藏有蛋黃,撒上醃蘿蔔切塊入,再淋上醬油膏,入口綿密唇齒生香。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021


最後一道品嚐的就是店家招牌中的招牌「焢肉飯」(NT$ 80),客人可根據個人偏好任選瘦肉、肥肉與綜合,選擇了純瘦肉,平常幾乎不吃「焢肉飯」的我,完全被這碗用料豐盛,帶有魔幻滋味的「焢肉飯」所折服,從煮的香嫩的米飯,到一大塊完整飽滿熟而不爛好入口的三層瘦肉,再到小黃瓜、榨菜、豆乾與辣椒絲等配菜,每一口都能嚐到店家的用心。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

還沒造訪過的朋友們,找一天去「一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」嚐鮮,幫萬華的店家一起美食復興經濟復甦!

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


地 址:108台北市萬華區康定路79號
電 話: (02)2311-5241
營業時間:週一到週六09:00 ~ 19:00
創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評‧美食‧旅行與創作生活手記)





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