


洲與國家:亞洲 > 澳門

隨著澳門輕軌的通車,現在交通可說是越來越便利,今天冰箱就帶大家來到這家輕軌可達的澳門葡京人酒店,來這邊體驗另一種不一樣的酒店入住 感受!來澳門真的去哪邊都很近,出機場後勇敢的坐上輕軌,然後在東亞運 站下車後約走10分鐘就可以到達。
With the opening of the Macau Light Rail, transportation has become increasingly convenient. Today, the Fridge takes you to the Wynn Macau, a hotel accessible by  the light rail, to experience a different kind of stay. It's amazing how everything in  Macau is so close by. Once you arrive at the airport, just hop on the light rail and get  off at the East Asian Games station. From there, it's just a 10-minute walk to reach  your destination.

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理,包括另外LINE跟歐舒丹的主題房型也是。大堂空間寬敞,後側出口緊 鄰葡京人商場,逛街血拚非常方便。另外像獨家的室內跳傘及澳門飛鎖也 都設置在商場裡面。 First, let's start with the lobby of the Lisboeta hotel. All the check-in procedures,  luggage storage, and other services are handled here, including the LINE and  L'Occitane themed rooms. The lobby is spacious, and the rear exit is conveniently  located next to the Lisboeta shopping mall, making it easy for guests to go shopping. Additionally, exclusive indoor skydiving and the Macau Flyer are also set up  within the mall.

中間這是LINE主題套房的大堂,別看冰箱照片裡面一個人都沒有,其實為了拍這張照片可是撐到半夜,大部分的住客都休息了的時間才拍得到。 不然正常時間一堆小朋友,想拍這樣的空景照真的是比登天還難啊!!!
This is the lobby of the LINE-themed suite. Don't be fooled by the empty  in my photo;  in fact, it took until midnight to capture this shot. Most of the guests had already gone  to bed by that time. During regular hours, there are usually many children around,  making it extremely difficult to capture such an empty scene. It's like trying to reach  the heavens!

最後這個是歐舒丹系列主題房型的大堂,一走進這邊就可以馬上嗅到空氣中那一股專屬香氛。說真的入住澳門酒店,讓我最喜歡的就是空氣中每一 家空氣都有自己獨特的味道。其中最特別是葡京人,因為這一家有三個主 題味道是最豐富的!!!
This is the lobby of the themed rooms in the L'Occitane series. As soon as you step  inside, you can immediately smell the exclusive fragrance in the air. Honestly, what  I love most about staying in hotels in Macau is that each one has its own unique scent  in the air. Among them, the most special is The Venetian Macao, because this hotel has three themed scents that are the most diverse!

值得一提的是葡京人酒店雖然有三棟,大堂也有三個,但其實酒店方並不 是以獨棟做主題分類,而是分層的方式,所以到客房層後整個大平面都是 單一主題客房。也因為這樣規劃,所以整體氛圍得以統一,就像走入歐舒 丹主題客房樓層,電梯門一開空氣中的香氛撲鼻,整體色調讓人一看就覺 得好像瞬間來到法國南部的普羅旺斯。
Finally, this is the lobby of the L'Occitane-themed room, where you can immediately smell the signature fragrance in the air upon entering. Honestly, what I love most  about staying in hotels in Macau is that each one has its own unique scent in the air.  Among them, the most distinctive is The Venetian because this hotel has the most  diverse range of three signature fragrances!

當然房內的感覺跟剛剛也是一脈相承,就像入住法國鄉村一樣的舒爽悠哉。 Of course, the feeling inside the room continues in the same vein as before, just  like staying in a tranquil and comfortable French countryside.

趟旅行就值回票價囉。 The room amenities of this topic are suspected to be all genuine products provided  by L'Occitane. Just by having these amenities during your stay, this trip is already  worth the price of admission.

CASA de AMIGO,我相信很多家長帶著小朋友來澳門旅遊,這個房型應 該都是闔家首選,所以到了假日幾乎一房難求。由於市場供不應求,所 以如果有計畫到澳門親子旅遊,真的要提早預約。 Next up is the hottest room type here - LINE FRIENDS PRESENTS CASA de AMIGO.  I believe many parents bring their children to Macao for a vacation, and this room  type is definitely the top choice for families. Therefore, it's almost impossible to  find availability during holidays. Due to high demand and limited supply in the  market, if you're planning a family trip to Macao, it's highly recommended to make reservations well in advance.

This is one of the standard rooms in LINE Hotel. I think the color tones and 
decor in this room would be more suitable for couples and friends who love LINE.

The entire room is dominated by the color red, with exclusive LINE elements 
incorporated throughout, such as the floor tiles and wallpaper. Upon closer  inspection, one can appreciate the unique design that is one in a million.

The cups for drinking coffee with the office supplies are quite exquisite. 
Quickly let Chicken and Little Chicken cups take a photo together!

This is another themed room centered around the character Kuma, and the color  scheme is completely different from the previous one.

LINE房型有個特色,就是幾乎每一間房都規劃有天台,這是酒店其他房 行所望塵莫及的專屬設計。有這天台除了讓房間可以跟外面融成一氣之 外,因為入住此房型多為親子,也讓小朋友多了一個可遊玩放電的安全 空間。
One of the unique features of LINE's room types is that almost every room is 
equipped with a balcony, a design element that sets it apart from other hotel  accommodations. The presence of these balconies allows the room to blend  seamlessly with the outside environment, while also providing a safe space for  children to play and have fun, as the majority of guests in this room type are  families with kids.

最後這是酒店LINE主題最大的親子房,室內空間相當寬敞,很多安全細 節也都處理得很好,讓小孩在房內活蹦亂跳也安心~ Finally, this is the largest family room in the hotel with a spacious interior. Many  safety details have been well taken care of, allowing children to jump and play freely  in the room while ensuring their safety.

家庭房一樣規劃有天台,而且規格是超級大,右上方的鋼索就是非常好玩 又刺激的澳門飛索。夏日的晚上坐在這邊乘涼賞月,旁邊還能看遊客乘著 飛索呼嘯而過,這畫面實在是很有趣啊!!! The family room is designed with a spacious rooftop terrace, and the highlight is  an exhilarating zipline located in the upper right corner. This thrilling zipline  resembles the Macau Skywalk and offers endless excitement. On summer nights, sitting here, one can enjoy the cool breeze while gazing at the moon. Moreover,  it provides a fascinating view of tourists whizzing by on the zipline. This scene is truly entertaining and delightful!

軸,房內陳列了若干屬於舊澳門的元素,彷彿帶領大家進入時光懷舊隧道! This is the final room I stayed in at the Lisboa Hotel, and its overall design is inspired by the old era of Macau. The room showcases several elements that belong  to old Macau, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that takes guests on a journey  through time.

衛浴乾溼分離採輕隔間的設計,洗臉台簡潔大方,牆面則採用大量代表舊 澳門的磁磚元素來呈現。入口兩端分別連接主臥室及更衣間,整體空間非 常寬敞。 The bathroom adopts a light partition design for dry and wet separation. The  washbasin is simple and elegant, while the walls are adorned with a significant  amount of tiles representing the old elements of Macau. The entrances connect to the master bedroom and the dressing room respectively, creating a spacious  overall space.

浴缸則是澳門這類高級酒店的標配,說真的每天走那麼多路回到房間能 泡上一缸舒服的澡,真的是超級大享受!! A bathtub is a standard feature in luxury hotels like those in Macau. Honestly,  after walking so much every day and returning to the room, being able to soak in  a comfortable bath is truly a great indulgence!

因為入住套房房型,所以還有一個不小的客廳。其實剛剛跟大家介紹的 主臥室+浴室就是葡京人的標準雙人房,另一種比較大的房型就是我入 住的套房。值得一提的是有些房間在標準客房跟套房中間有連通門,如 果是三五好友或是家庭旅遊可以事先跟酒店聯繫,就可以安排連號房間 裏頭打通,非常方便請大家多利用啊~~
Because I stayed in a suite, there is also a sizable living room. Actually, the master  bedroom with the attached bathroom that I just introduced is the standard double room at The Venetian. Another larger room type is the suite that I stayed in. It's  worth mentioning that some rooms have connecting doors between the standard  rooms and suites. If you are traveling with a group of three to five friends or as a  family, you can contact the hotel in advance to arrange for adjoining rooms with  the doors opened, which is very convenient. Please make good use of this option.

The prices of menu items may be adjusted due to factors such as fluctuations in commodity  prices, and the prices posted by the restaurant shall prevail. The prices listed are for reference  only.



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